glogg can be started from the command line, optionally passing the file to open as an argument, or via the desktop environment's menu or file association. If no file name is passed, glogg will initially open the last used file.
The main window is divided in three parts : the top displays the log file. The bottom part, called the "filtered view", shows the results of the search. The line separating the two contains the regular expression used as a filter.
Entering a new regular expression, or a simple search term, will update the bottom view, displaying the results of the search. The lines matching the search criteria are listed in order in the results, and are marked with a red circle in both windows.
Regular expressions are a powerful way to extract the information you are interested in from the log file. glogg uses extended regular expressions.
One of the most useful regexp feature when exploring logs is the alternation, using parentheses and the | operator. It searches for several alternatives, permitting to display several line types in the filtered window, in the same order they appear in the log file.
For example, to check that every connection opened is also closed, one can use an expression similar to:
Entering (Open|Close)Connection
Any 'open' call without a matching 'close' will immediately be obvious in the filtered window. The alternation also works with the whole search line. For example if you also want to know what kind of connection has been opened:
Entering (Open|Close)Connection|Created a .* connection
will match any sequence of character on a single line, but glogg will only
display lines with a space and the word connection
somewhere after Created a
In addition to the filtered window, the match overview on the right hand side of the screen offers a view of the position of matches in the log file. Matches are showed as small red lines.
Filters can colorize some lines of the log being displayed, for example to draw attention to lines indicating an error, or to associate a color with each sort of event. Any number of filter can be defined in the 'Filters' configuration dialog, each using a regexp against which lines will be matched. For each line, all filters are tried in order and the fore and back colors of the first successful filter are applied.
In addition to regexp matches, glogg enable the user to mark any interesting line in the log. To do this, click on the round bullet in the left margin in front of the line that needs to be marked.
Marks are combined with matches and showed in the filtered window. They also appears as blue lines in the match overview.
glogg can display and search through logs while they are written to disk, as it might be the case when debugging a running program or server. The log is automatically updated when it grows, but the 'Auto-refresh' option must be enabled if you want the search results to be automatically refreshed as well.
The 'f' key might be used to follow the end of the file as it grows (a la
tail -f
The font used to display the log file. A clear, monospace font (like the free, open source, DejaVu Mono for example) is recommended.
Determines which type of regular expression glogg will use when filtering lines for the bottom window, and when using QuickFind.
glogg keyboard commands try to approximatively emulate the default bindings used by the classic Unix utilities vi and less.
The main commands are:
arrows | scroll one line up/down or one column left/right |
[number] j/k | move the selection 'number' (or one) line down/up |
h/l | scroll left/right |
[number] g | jump to the line number given or the first one if no number is entered |
G | jump to the last line of the file (selecting it) |
/ | start a quickfind search in the current screen |
n/N | repeat the previous quickfind search forward/backward |
*/# | search for the next/previous occurence of the currently selected text |
f | activate 'follow' mode, which keep the display as the tail of the file (like "tail -f") |