"plug-in-gap-storyboard-master-prop" Master Properties (Storyboard) The master properties dialog window is used to create new storyboard files and to view and update properties of an existing storyboard file. It is a popup dialog of the storyboard editor ## refere to Storyboard Dialog ## (plug-in-gap-storyboard-edit.txt) File: The name of the stroyboard file. If the dialog was opened via menu "properties" the filename is read only information. If invoked via "new" you can specify the filename here and the button "..." opens a filebrowser dialog window where you can select the filename. Width: Height: Master size of the target videofile in pixels. At encoding time all input frames are scaled to this master size. (For manually edited storyboard files there you can control how to scale the input frames individually per clip using records of type VID_FIT_SIZE see storyboard syntax description for more details. ## STORYBOARD_FILE_DOC.txt #### Framerate: Master framerate of the resulting videofile in frames per second. Decoder: Selection of a preferred video decoder software library. If nothing is specified the decoder is selected automatically. The decoder setting is only relevant for the clip references to videofiles, to specify what software to use for readaccess to the videofile. Samplerate: Master samplerate in 1000 samples per second. The master samplerate is the target samplerate for the resulting audiotrack when storyboard file is encoded to a videofile. GIMP-GAP creates this track in a pre-processing step (in the Master Videoencoder module) as composite audiofile by mixing down all audiotracks of a storyboard file. Volume: Master volume of the resulting audiotrack, where values greater than 1.0 will amplify the volume. (with the risk of producing noise on overflow) AreaFormat: This format string triggers automatical logo insertation for all handled clips of type MOVIE. The area format string shall contain the placeholder %s that is replaced by the basename of the currently processed videoclip. The placeholder %06d is replaced by the current framenumber. The storyboard processing builds the filename of a logo image whenever a frame is fetched from a movie clip and pastes the logo into the frame in case the logo image exists. If the format does not contain any placeholder, the same logo will be used in all handled movie clips. Frame specific Example: AreaFormat: /logo_frames/%s/logo_frame_%06d.xcf Procesing of frame 7 of movie clip /videos/MY_VIDEO.AVI will paste logo image /logo_frames/MY_VIDEO.AVI/logo_frame_000007.xcf Procesing of frame 22 of movie clip /videos/YOUR_VIDEO.MPEG will paste logo image /logo_frames/YOUR_VIDEO.MPEG/logo_frame_000022.xcf