"plug-in-gap-storyboard-clip-prop" Transition Attributes (Storyboard) The transition attributes dialog window is used to control transitions that shall be performed on the following clips in the same storyboard video track. It is a popup dialog of the storyboard editor ## refere to Storyboard Dialog ## (plug-in-gap-storyboard-edit.txt) supported transitions are: - Opacity changes - Moves related to the center position 0/0 (Scrolling) - Scaling (Zoom) The dialog has 2 previews: The left one shows the transition effect start settings applied on the first affected frame. The right one shows the transition end settings applied on the last affected frame. The previews show the size of the resulting video (master size) in a centered green frame and the environment around the master size with solid grey background. Note: the last affected frame can be different for each single transition. In this case the preview shows only one frame as 'last affected' using the first enabled transition. FitSize: Width: Enabled: Scale width of input clips to fit into the resulting master width. Height Enabled: Scale height of input clips to fit into the resulting master height. Keep Proportion Enabled: Keep proportions of the input frame at scaling. Opacity: Settings for the opacity where 0 is fully transparent and 100 is fully opaque. Move X: Scroll settings, where 0.0 is horizontal centered, 100.0 moves the frame entirely outside the right border of the master width. Move Y: Scroll settings, where 0.0 is vertical centered, 100.0 moves the frame entirely outside the lower border of the master height. Scale Width: Zoom settings, where 100.0 specifies no scaling, 200.0 is scaling to double width, 50.0 is scaling down to half width. Scale Height: Zoom settings, where 100.0 specifies no scaling, 200.0 is scaling to double height, 50.0 is scaling dow to half height. Frames: Duration of the transition effect measured in frames. Comment: An optional comment text on the transition. Reset This button resets all settings to the values at opening time of this dialog window.