"plug-in-gap-range-convert" Frames Convert Start from Menu: /Video/Frames Convert Converts multiple frames from one fileformat to another. Basename: Name of one destination frame without the frame number part and without the extension. Extension: Extension of the destination frames. The extension also defines the fileformat. Imagetype: Keep Type Convert to RGB Convert to Gray Convert to Indexed Flatten: Merge all layers if checked. This check_button should be turned on for destination fileformats that can not store multiple layers. Example1: If your source frames are XCF-images of imagetype RGB with the names: img_000001.xcf img_000002.xcf img_000003.xcf and you want to convert to JPEG's named /tmp/scratch_000001.jpg /tmp/scratch_000002.jpg /tmp/scratch_000003.jpg you need the following convert settings: From Frame: 1 To Frame: 3 Basename: /tmp/scratch_ Extension: .jpg Imagetype: Keep Type Flatten: ON (checked) Example2: To convert from RGB JPEG fileformat (.jpg) to GIF (.gif) you have to set the destination imagetype "Convert to Indexed", because the GIF fileformat can not handle RGB, only GRAY and INDEXED) Convert to INDEXED reduces the number of colors downto 256 (or less).