"plug-in-gap-mplayer-decode" MPLayer based extract Start from Menu: /Video/Split Video to Frames/MPLayer based extract /Xtns/Split Video to Frames/MPLayer based extract Extract frames and/or audio from a videofile. This feature is only available on UNIX systems and is a frontend for the mediaplayer program mplayer. For that feature GIMP-GAP must be configured and compiled with the configure option: --enable-unix-frontends Further it is required that mplayer is installed on your system at run time. (GIMP_GAP was tested with mplayer-1.0pre5). MPlayer does support many videofileformats amd codecs and offers access to more vidoefiles than the other GIMP-GAP video extract features. But it does not provide frame exact positioning. Input Video: Here you can enter the name of an input videofile. The "..." button opens a filebrowser popup dialog where you can select a filename. Start Time: Start time of the selected range in format HH:MM:SS. Note: MPlayer always extracts the 1.st frame of the video too regardless if you start at 00:00:00 or not. Frames: Number of frames to extract. If the video has less frames than specified here, extract will stop at the last available frame. Videotrack: Here you can select the number of the input videotrack. Most videos have just one videotrack. Some DVD videos have multiple angle view where the different angles are represented by 2 or more videotracks. Use a videotrack value 0 to ignore videoframes. Audiotrack: Here you can select the number of the input audiotrack. Most videos have just one audiotrack. Some DVD videos have multiple language support where the different languages are represented by 2 or more audiotracks. Use a audiotrack value 0 to ignore audiotracks. Output Audio: Filename for the extracted audio wave file to write. (ignored if audiotrack is 0, or if the input video has no audiopart) Framenames: Basenamepart for the extracted frames to write. The 6-digit numberpart and the extension (.png, .jpeg .xcf) are added for each extracted frame. Format: Imagefileformat for the extracted frames. JPEG PNG XCF Note: XCF fileformat is not directly supported by mplayer. In this case the ectracted frames are created in PNG imagefileformat and converted to the GIMP's native XCF fileformat automatically. You should use Png Compression 0 in that case for faster opration. Png Compression: Compression for extracted PNG frames where 0 is uncompressed (fastest) and 9 is best compression. Png Compression is ignored if format JPEG is used. Jpeg Quality: Quality of the frames where 100 is best quality (but largest filesize) Jpeg Optimize: Optimization factor [0-100] Jpeg Smooth: Smooth factor [0-100] Jpeg Progressive: Specify standard or progressive JPEG. Jpeg Baseline: Specify use of baseline or not. The Jpeg options are ignored if another format than JPEG is selected. Silent: ON: tell mplayer to ignore video audio when no track is selcted. OFF: mplayer plays unselected video /audio (where track is 0) on standard devices. E.g. if audiotrack is 0, you will hear the audio track, if videotrack is 0, the corresponding frames will be visible at audioextract. Open: Open the 1.st extracted frame when extracting is done. Asynchron: ON: Run mplayer as asynchron process and try to show progress on base of the already extracted frames. OFF: call mplayer as synchron process. (progress for the extracting step is not possible in that case)