"gap-filterall-db-browser" Animated calls of plug-in filters: Start from Menu: /Filters/Filter all Layers /Script-Fu/Animators/Sel To AnimImage First of all, you need a multilayered Image. You can use "/Video/Frames to Image" to create one from a series of frames, or duplicate the backround layer of a single layered image (Press Ctrl-C within the layers dialog window N-times) Then call "Filter all Layers" from wihin the multilayer image. You'll get a window similar to the PDB-Browser, that shows all available plug-ins in a listbox (and informations about the selected plug-in on the right side). Note: The listbox does not show the full PDB, but only those plug-ins that are capable to run under control of the "Filter all Layers" plug-in. Select one of the listed plug-ins and press one of the buttons: "Apply Varying": The selected plug-in is called 2 times in interactive mode, 1. for the backround layer 2. for the top layer. For all further layers, the plug-in will work non-interactive with the iterated inbetween values. Therefore the plug-in must have an "_Iterator" or "_Iterator_ALT" procedure, to modify the "last stored values" (GIMP-GAP provides such procedures for more than 50 existing plug-ins) If the iterator procedure is not available, the "Apply Varying" button is set insensitive on the selected procedure. Note: It is possible to iterate values of the type PARAM_DRAWABLE, (such as the BumpMap in plug_in_bump_map: You may use a layerstack-animated Image as animated Bump-map) This will only work, if from and to values are layers within the same image. The iteration is done on the layerstackindex in that case. and the inbetween values for the non-interactive filtercalls will be the layers between the from and to layerstackindex. (an animation sequence as the user might expect) "Apply Constant": The selected plug-in is called only once in interactive mode, For all further layers, the plug-in will work non-interactive using the last stored values. The script sel-to-anim-img.scm simplifies the creation of animated images. Invoke the script from: "/Script-Fu/Animators/Sel To AnimImage" The script creates a new image with n copies of the current selection. Then it invokes the animated call of plug-in filters (optional) on the generated new image. Notes: - Some plug-ins may not work correct or crash when called in NON_INTERACTIVE mode. (see TESTPROT_iter_ALT) - Some plug-ins have options to create new layers or images. This does not work when they are invoked under control of the "Filter all Layers" plug-in. You should turn such options off in that case. - Some pug-in's in your PDB can have earlier or later versions If their interfaces were changed and does not match with the interface version of the iterator procedure you get the message:(in the shell window) ERROR: xxxx_Iterator stored Data missmatch in size N != M when using the "Apply Varying" button. In that case you can try to generate the needed _Iterator procedure for your plug-ins current interface by yourself. (see file: README_devlopers)