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LocalePath path

Specifies a colon separated list of "locale path" in which to search for string translations. A locale path is constituted by a directory path and a text domain separated by a semicolon (';'). As an example the default locale path is:


where install_prefix is the fvwm installation directory. With such a locale path translations are searched for in


where lang depends on the locale. If no directory is given the default directory path is assumed. If no text domain is given, fvwm is assumed. Without argument the default locale path is restored.

As for the ImagePath command, path may contain environment variables and a '+' to append or prepend the locale path easily.

For example, the fvwm-themes package uses

LocalePath ";fvwm-themes:+"

to add locale catalogs.

The default fvwm catalog contains a few strings used by the fvwm executable itself (Desk and Geometry) and strings used in some default configuration files and FvwmForm configuration. You can take a look at the po/ subdirectory of the fvwm source to get the list of the strings with a possible translation in various languages. At present, very few languages are supported.

The main use of locale catalogs is via the "$[gt.string]" parameter:

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmWindowOps "$[gt.Window Ops]" Title
+ "$[gt.&Move]"              Move
+ "$[gt.&Resize]"            Resize
+ "$[gt.R&aise]"             Raise
+ "$[gt.&Lower]"             Lower
+ "$[gt.(De)&Iconify]"       Iconify
+ "$[gt.(Un)&Stick]"         Stick
+ "$[gt.(Un)Ma&ximize]"      Maximize
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.&Close]"             Close
+ "$[gt.&Destroy]"           Destroy

gives a menu in the locale languages if translations are available.

Note that the FvwmTaskBar module has its own catalog and that the FvwmScript module has a set of special instructions for string translation. It is out of the scope of this discussion to explain how to build locale catalogs. Please refer to the GNU gettext documentation.

fvwm 2.6.5