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IgnoreModifiers [Modifiers]

Tells fvwm which modifiers to ignore when matching Mouse or Key bindings. IgnoreModifiers affects the ClickToFocus style too. This command belongs into your config. If you issue it when your fvwm session is already up and running the results are unpredictable. The should appear before any applications or modules are started in your config file (e.g. with the Exec command).

Modifiers has the same syntax as in the Mouse or Key bindings, with the addition of 'L' meaning the caps lock key. The default is "L". Modifiers can be omitted, meaning no modifiers are ignored. This command comes in handy if the num-lock and scroll-lock keys interfere with your shortcuts. With XFree86 '2' usually is the num-lock modifier and '5' refers to the scroll-lock key. To turn all these pesky modifiers off you can use this command:

IgnoreModifiers L25

If the Modifiers argument is the string "default", fvwm reverts back to the default value "L".


This command creates a lot of extra network traffic, depending on your CPU, network connection, the number of Key or Mouse commands in your configuration file and the number of modifiers you want to ignore. If you do not have a lightning fast machine or very few bindings you should not ignore more than two modifiers. I.e. do not ignore scroll-lock if you have no problem with it. In the FAQ you can find a better solution of this problem.

fvwm 2.6.5