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FakeClick [ command value ]...

This command is mainly intended for debugging fvwm and no guarantees are made that it works for you. FakeClick can simulate mouse button press and release events and pass them to fvwm or the applications. The parameters are a list of commands which consist of pairs of command tokens and integer values, The press and release commands are followed by the appropriate mouse button number and generate a button press or release event on the window below the pointer. The wait commands pauses fvwm for the given number of milliseconds. The modifiers command simulates pressing or releasing modifier keys. The values 1 to 5 are mapped to Mod1 to Mod5 while 6, 7 and 8 are mapped to Shift, Lock and Control. The modifier is set for any further button events. To release a modifier key, use the corresponding negative number. The depth command determines to which window the button events are sent. With a depth of 1, all events go to the root window, regardless of the pointer's position. With 2, the event is passed to the top level window under the pointer which is usually the frame window. With 3, events go to the client window. Higher numbers go to successive sub windows. Zero (0) goes to the smallest window that contains the pointer. Note that events propagate upward.

FakeClick depth 2 press 1 wait 250 release 1

This simulates a click with button 1 in the parent window (depth 2) with a delay of 250 milliseconds between the press and the release. Note: all command names can be abbreviated with their first letter.

fvwm 2.6.5