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Syntax for conditional statement is:
if assertion block { { elseif assertion block } … else block } end
if x < 0 print "x is negative." elseif x > 0 print "x is positive." else print "x is null." end
Using the stop
command within a conditional statement allows one to abort the
execution of a script when some condition is met.
not a
Negation of assertion a.
a and b
Disjunction of assertions a and b.
a or b
Conjunction of assertions a and b.
a == b
Checks whether objects a and b are equal, i.e. have the same internal representation. Objects may be numbers, strings, points, vectors, sets, lines, circles or conics.
a != b
Negation of the former.
x < y
x <= y
x > y
x >= y
Comparison of numbers x and y.
A in s
Checks whether point A belongs to set s.
Checks for emptiness of set s.
A on s
Checks whether point A is on object s, where s may be a set (considered as an open path), a line, a circle or a conic.
collinear(A, B, C)
Checks whether points A, B and C are collinear.
collinear(u, v)
Checks whether vectors u and v are collinear, i.e. have same or opposite directions.
parallel(l, l')
perpendicular(l, l')
Direction comparison of lines l and l'.
Type checking of conic c.
isosceles(A, B, C)
equilateral(A, B, C)
right(A, B, C)
Type checking of triangle ABC.
parallelogram(A, B, C, D)
rectangle(A, B, C, D)
square(A, B, C, D)
Type checking of quadrilateral ABCD.
True with eukleides
True with euktopst
True within GUI.
assertion ? x | y
Number x if assertion is true, number y otherwise.
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