Daniel S. Wilkerson
Delta assists you in minimizing "interesting" files, subject to a test of their interestingness. A common such situation is when attempting to isolate a small failure-inducing substring of a large input that causes your program to demonstrate a bug. Our implementation is based on the algorithm found here: http://www.st.cs.uni-sb.de/dd/
Three tools are provided: delta, multidelta, and topformflat. Delta is the script which does the minimizing. Topformflat is a utility flattens languages with balanced delimiters, such as most common programming languages, so that all nesting below a specified depth is one one line. Multidelta is a wrapper that runs delta for you but on multiple files using delta and topformflat underneath to change nesting granularity before it is fed into delta. Its UI is arguably probably more what you actually want, since for example it allows you to run on multiple input files.
Delta is an implementation of the delta debugging algorithm: http://www.st.cs.uni-sb.de/dd/. In short, you supply delta with
Delta uses heuristics to find a sub-file of your input file that is still "interesting" according to your test.
Usually "interesting" means a file causing a particular error as input to a program. For debugging or bug-reporting purposes you would like to find the smallest such file. An appropriate test here would run the program on the file and grep for the error message, returning success (0) if found, and failure (non-zero) otherwise.
Note that we use C programs as example input because delta was developed for debugging language tools like compilers, so often the input was some C program and it was interesting if it crashed _our_ program, a compiler.
Here is a rather contrived example minimizing a C input file. In this case "interesting" means that the file compiles and when run returns false. This example is in delta/test/delta0.
The input file (below "in.c"):
#includeint main(int argc, char **argv) { int a = 0; printf("Hello, World!\n"); a++; a--; a+=2; a++; a--; a++; return a >= 3;} // Brace here prevents main from lacking a return.
The script test that decides interestingness. It is probably best if your test produces no output, so putting a &>/dev/null at the end of your grep, as I have here, is recommended.
Note that delta passes the name of the file to your script, so you can use it, as I have here; however when testing multiple files, perhaps it is best to use the Multidelta style and just hard-code in the filenames. Multidelta minimizes in-place, which makes passing in the name unnecessary.
The test script (below "testit"):
#!/bin/sh # -*-sh-*- if gcc $1 &> cmp_out; then if ! ./a.out &> run_out; then exit 0; # Success. fi fi exit 1; # Failure.
Put both of these files into a new directory and make your test executable, and run as follows:
delta -test=testit -quiet -cp_minimal=min.c < in.c
When delta returns, you will notice a file "min.c" in the directory which is smaller than "in.c" and yet still passes the interestingness test.
You will also notice a tmp* directory (tmp0 if it is the first run) that contains all the files that were found to be interesting during the search. Delta runs quickly on this small example, but for longer runs you might want to tail -f tmp0/log in another window to watch the interesting events of the progression of the search. If you remove the -quiet flag, you will get a very detailed transcript to standard out of the search process, probably more than you want to know, but fun to watch.
There are other features and modes to delta. Below is the usage message which you can get by typing: delta -help . (Usage messages reproduced here omit the initial header line and distribution version number.)
usage: bin/delta [options] start-file -test=Specify the test script -suffix= Candidate filename suffix [.c] -dump_input Dump input after reading -cp_minimal= Copy the minimal successful test to the current directory -granularity=line Use lines as the granularity (default) -granularity=top_form Use C top-level forms as the granularity (currently only works with CIL output) -log= Log file for main events -quiet Say nothing -verbose Get more verbose output -in_place Overwrite start-file with inputs -help Get help The test program accepts a single argument, the name of the candidate file to test. It is run within a directory containing only that file, and it can make temporary files/directories in that directory. It should return zero for a candidate that exhibits the desired property, and nonzero for one that does not. Example test program (delta will retain a line containing "foo"): #!/bin/sh grep 'foo' <"$1" >/dev/null
Delta has a notion of the granularity of the file: the smallest atomic elements of which the file is seen as a sequence. The default is the line granularity: in this mode, delta will attempt to delete entire lines, but will never try deleting a smaller element than that. You can filter a program through topformflat to produce a file where the line-granularity only goes to a specified nesting depth (if your file is in a nested language). Multidelta does this for you.
In general, use semantic granularity appropriate to the input language. Delta has a much easier time searching the space if the atomic chunks in the granularity match up with semantically-atomic chunks in your input language. That is, if you are minimizing C files, start with the C top-level form granularity. Only after that minimize with a finer level of granularity. This allows delta to try removing entire function definitions, rather than removing single lines which is much less likely to produce a meaningful, and therefore interesting, C file. If you have some other kind of file, you should probably write the equivalent of topformflat for it. If your hack is general and reusable, please send it to us.
An "interesting" sequence is 1-minimal iff it does not remain interesting if any one element is removed. Delta is guaranteed to find a 1-minimal file from your input file, where it is considered a sequence of elements at the granularity you specified.
Note that the space of interesting files is usually quite complex, and delta is doing only a rather simple local walk through it. Therefore it is easy for delta to get stuck someplace that is locally 1-minimal, but globally non-minimum. One often therefore gets better results if delta is run again on its output, with gradually finer granularity, if that is an option.
Topformflat is a filter written by Scott McPeak that will print its input with the line granularity matching a specified nesting depth. It is useful for making the granularity of an input file start of very coarse for the first runs of delta and then gradually increasing it. Multidelta will run topformflat for you with a given nesting depth if you ask for it on the command line. Here is the usage message which you can get by typing: topformflat .
usage: bin/topformflat [threshold]output.c The threshold (default: 0) specifies at what nesting level of braces will line breaks be allowed (or inserted). By starting with 0, you get all top-level forms, one per line (roughly). Increasing the threshold leads to finer-grained structure on each line. The intent is to use the delta minimizer on each level of granularity.
Multidelta was written as a wrapper for delta by Scott McPeak. It allows you to easily minimize collections of files by minimizing each one individually for you using delta underneath. It also automatically pre-process the input with the C pre-processor (cpp) and then filters it through topformflat for you before running delta. (Thus, it is rather oriented towards C programs as input.) Below is the usage message which you can get by typing: multidelta .
usage: bin/multidelta [options] test-script file [file [...]]
The collection of input files is minimized as much as possible, such that the test-script continues to return true.
When the script is run with a source file as an argument, it should do any single-file integrity checks on that file. Then, it should proceed to check the entire build, on the assumption that all other files have already passed their integrity checks.
When the script is run with no arguments, it should check integrity of all files and then check the build.
So that the script does not need to have the list of input files hard-coded in, the environment variable "multidelta_all_files" is always set to a space-separated list of the filenames no matter how the script is run.
Options: -level=n When topformflattening, flatten to level n [$level]. -u Undo the last invocation, by copying the *.bak files onto the original copies. -cpp Before flattening run through the cpp preprocessor.
A new feature of delta and multidelta is that it is possible to stop it!
Delta now both distinguishes between a signal and a non-zero result code from the tests script, halting altogether in the case of a signal. Multidelta has always stopped if delta returns anything other than zero and still does. The consequence of this is that you can just type control-C at the terminal and everything should stop immediately. However, not sure what state the partially minimized file will be left in; for a safe way to stop, see the next paragraph. Thanks to Scott McPeak for pointing out how easy this was to do.
Delta has always stopped if a file DELTA-STOP appears in the current directory, however for some unexplained reason, I only checked for this when it increased the granularity of the search. Now it checks at every run of the external script. If DELTA-STOP comes into existence, delta and multidelta should stop before obliterating the current version of the file to be tested.
At some point probably delta should be made into a Perl module that could be used by any Perl program and any remaining desirable features of its UI that have not yet been subsumed by multidelta should be; But it works for now.
Yes, I wrote a script to re-run delta lots of times, but it seems that people prefer to do that manually.