Running the program involves 3 steps. First, the user has to write
an input file containing hand-descriptions and action.
A very simple example would look something like:
A simple example:
condition shape(north, any 4333 + any 4423) and hcp(north)>=19
The first 2 lines specify a condition for the north hand, in this case,
a hand with 4333 or 4432 shape and at least 19 high card points. The
last 2 lines tell the program to print the 4 hands. The program reads
from standard input, so in principle, it is possible to enter the
conditions directly into the program. Using a file is a lot more
practical though, as it allows the user to re-use conditions and
fine-tune the conditions.
action printall
Then the program has to be run, it reads the file, looks at the various command line switches and then produces a number of hands. The output appears on the screen but can be re-directed to a file.
Finally, the user has to look at output and analyze the produced hands. Alternatively, the output can be used for a playing program.