Primitive types have a single value, these include characters, numbers, and pointers. They are all symbols in the keyword package.
- Signed 8-bits. A
dereferenced :char pointer returns an character.
- Unsigned 8-bits. A dereferenced :unsigned-char
pointer returns an character.
- Signed 8-bits. A
dereferenced :byte pointer returns an integer.
- Unsigned 8-bits. A
dereferenced :unsigned-byte pointer returns an integer.
- Signed 16-bits.
- Unsigned 16-bits.
- Signed 32-bits.
- Unsigned 32-bits.
- Signed 32 or 64 bit integer,
depending upon the platform.
- Unsigned 32 or 64
bit integer, depending upon the platform.
- Signed 64 bits integer
for implementations that support this. If implementation
does not support
this, 'uffi:no-long-long
is pushed on
the <variable>cl:*features*</variable> list.
- Unsigned 64
bits integer for implementations that support this. If
implementation does not support
this, 'uffi:no-long-long
is pushed on
the <variable>cl:*features*</variable> list.
- 32-bit floating point.
- 64-bit floating point.
terminated string used for passing and returning characters strings with a C
The absence of a value. Used to indicate that a function does not return a value.
- Points to a generic object.
- Used to declare a pointer to an object
Table of Contents