---------------------------------------------------------- Keep Away Commands Available: ---------------------------------------------------------- Admin only: "kaon" - enable Keep Away mode. "kaoff" - disable Keep Away mode. "katimemult <%>" - sets auto time multiplier per player. "katimemultmin <%>" - sets auto time minimum multiplier. "kaautotimeon" - enable the autotime function. "kaautotimeoff" - disable the autotime funtion. "kaffon" - enable forced flags. "kaffoff" - disable forced flags. "katime " - change hold time 1-7200 secs. "kastatus" - indicate the status of the plugin. "kaf+" - advance to next Keep Away flag. "kasoundon" - enable Keep Away sounds. "kasoundoff" - disable Keep Away sounds. "kaflagreseton" - enable auto Keep Away flag reset. "kaflagresetoff" - disable auto Keep Away flag reset. ---------------------------------------------------------- All Players: "kas " - message to player holding flag. "kaf" - indicate current Keep Away flag. ----------------------------------------------------------