Gun is the main weapon of tank and Shilka. Guns don't require ammunition, but their piercing ability is much lower that one for rockets.

Type shell that is shipped with tank and Shilka. The gun on
Shilka is faster that one on tank, but each hit does less
Guns have infinite ammunition.
Primary weapon

The main feature of the shell with laughset focal point (also
called shell with uncertain orientation) is bouncing from
obstacles. This shell is good for urban battles, also it will help
when shooting an enemy that has covered behind something solid or
impenetrable. The disadvantage of this model is that you never know
where it will bounce.
Primary weapon

The explosive shell is also known as Matreshka shell. Inside the
jacket of this shell, several small shells are nested. A small time
after the shot, the matreshka opens, and nested shells spread in
different directions. Each hit causes relatively small damage, but
large area is covered. This model is intended for use against enemy
crowds. It is ineffective in close face to face duels.
Primary weapon

Dirt gun is invented by crazy agronomists. By the aid of
concentration of energy in near-surface layers, nano-wave
fluctuations cause temporary inversion of field. Lower layers are
found on the top, thus introducing a short-time effect of plowing
the surface (this is broadly used during the sowing campaign). In
battle, the dirt gun can be used for making dirt spots of reduced
passability. Enemy troops and vehicles suffer loss of control and
speed in these plowed areas.
Primary weapon
Secondary weapon
2. Rockets
Rockets are large, so number of rockets that a vehicle carries is limited. Rockets are main weapon of rocket launcher.

Homing missile is a type weapon and is shipped with rocket
launchers. It can also be used on tanks as a secondary weapon.
After the launch, the rocket finds a target and guides its flight
by its own. Unlike the heat-aimed rockets, this model detects delta
waves emitted by human brains, and thus can be used against troops
and manned vehicles. Unfortunately, this method of detection
ignores androids and intellectually challenged individuals.
Another disadvantage is that rocket doesn't avoid obstacles
(avoiding function is announced in the next stable release of
rocket drivers binary).
Primary weapon
Secondary weapon

This is a Dumb-fire modification of the type rocket that can be
equipped as a secondary weapon. At the expense of electronics,
explosive charge and velocity are increased. Due to its high
velocity and high damage caused, this rocket is very good for
making fire barriers, destroying enemy weapon emplacements, and in
face to face battles.
Primary weapon
Secondary weapon

Boomerang rocket is an accidental modification of the homing
missile that has been found after beta drivers were installed from
a damaged CD on some test rocket. On ground tests, that rocket
introduced a non-typical behaviour: it didn't select a target after
the launch, but just circled around the launcher, following an
elliptical trajectory. Nobody can explain still why the rocket does
that; however boomerang rockets have been approved and are produced
on the line now. They can be used for defense; also boomerang
rockets are effective in close battle.
Primary weapon
Secondary weapon

Gas rocket is stuffed with toxic and radioactive wastes of
fragrance industry. They are prohibited by Geneva Protocol because
of their incredibly disgusting and beautiful smell. A humanoid that
has inhaled the gas suffers convulsions, sialorrhea, retching,
diarrhea, and dies with happy smile on face.
The gas rockets are perfect for eliminating troops. In multiplayer,
they scan be used for making smoke screens.
Secondary weapon

This homing missile is filled with artificial viruses-malicious
nanorobots. When a rocket hits target, viruses clod between tracks
of tank caterpillars, raise pressure of braking fluid in hydraulic
systems, and cause temporary paralysis of lower extremities of
humanoids. However, these viruses don't affect functioning of
weapons systems and other organs of humanoids; side effects or
contra-indication are unknown. Stop-rocket does not inflict damage,
but it's a great secondary weapon that is very effective if
combined with explosive or bouncing tank shells, homing missiles
and machine guns.
Secondary weapon

This 15 kilotons nuke is the most destructive weapon in the
game. It destroys everything in range of explosion, and using or
thermonuclear reaction guarantees that radiation pollution will be
negligibly small. So the ground can be used just after the enemy is
vaporized by the heat of nuclear blast.
Secondary weapon
3. Preserved landing force
Five fully equipped troops are frozen and GZIPped into standard rectangular bricks. Before refrigeration, each trooper is prepared using special hormons and steroids, and can be used in action after quick microwave-aided defreezing. Shipped in two versions with machine guns and handheld rocket launchers.

The trooper takes a position and fires the enemy objects
(including missiles). 16 directions of fire are available.
Shilka lands MG troopers for support. Thanks to their high fire
rate and mobility, MG troopers can defend a vehicle against enemy
Secondary weapon

The trooper takes a position and fires the enemy objects (NOT
including missiles). 8 directions of fire are available. Shilka
lands rocket troopers for support. Due to their fire power, rocket
troopers are good for attacking the enemy.
Secondary weapon
4. Other weapons
Other weapons include mines and MG turrets.

Mines are effective equally against troops and vehicles. They
have winning appearance, and are easy to install and use.
Using of mines allows unique and great tactical opportunities, both
in single missions and deathmatch. Routes, respawn points, hidings
of weapons - everything can be mined. Remember that the mine is
invisible if covered with dirt or smoke!
Secondary weapon

MG turret is a primitive robot that shoots everything that is
moving. Some turrets are shipped with "ally-enemy" recognition
system. In stationary version, MG turrets can be used for automated
security systems. Mobile versions can be mounted on rocket
launchers. 16 directions of fire are available.
Primary weapon