Bos Wars Media Documentation


Bos Wars graphics use a 256 color palette.

To see color indices in Gimp, open the 'Indexed Palette' dialog.

The color indexes 208 to 211 are reserved to display the player color. They go from lightest to darkest and will be replaced depending on the player color. The remaining colors may be used as regular colors.


Buildings are simple to do. Each graphic consists of a .png file using the palette format specified in the link above. The first frames in the graphic form the animation of the building. The remaining frames form the animation of the construction of the building. Here is an example of 'camera.png'.



Units are a little more complex as there are more sections per graphic. The 5 columns represent the directions. The rows are varied among different type of graphics, see the script files for more info. Here is an example of 'unit_engineer.png'. First 5 rows are used for movement, next 5 for building, and the next 3 for dieing.



Any format of sound will work with Bos Wars, although to save space it is recommended that you use 16 bit, 22050 kHz, mono format.

Look through the script files for existing media for more examples.

(C) Copyright 1998-2013 by The Bos Wars Project under the GNU General Public License.
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