<= Completing Objectives Options =>

Loading and Saving


To save a game you need to find a save point. These look like blue columns of light and are scattered throughout missions in various places. To use the save point stand in the light column and press the ACTION button to bring up the save game dialog. Games are also automatically saved when moving from one mission to another.

When saving you have the choice to create a new save game or overwrite an already saved one. You can quickly save a game by standing in the save game point and pressing F5. This will save the game to the last save slot you used. If you are playing a new game then a new save game will be created and that save slot used.

Note that you can only save via save slots or by changing levels.


Loading can be done either via the title screen or by the in game menu (accessed by pressing ESCAPE). Simply select a game you wish to load and press the Load button.

Misc Information

It is possible to delete save games by using the Delete function in the save game dialog.

Games are saved to,


With the games saved per directory in the format save#####

<= Completing Objectives Options =>