- atlc is a work in progress and sometimes there are differences between what it says in one part of the documentation and what it says elesewhere. This documentation was produced for release
4.2.8 so should match that most closely, but there will certainly be a few differences betweeen
one part of the docs and another. If you find such at case, please e-mail me and let me know and I'll advise which is correct and update the documentation.
- There is a paper that you may read on atlc that was written in 1998. atlc has changed a lot since then, but it might give you some idea of the theory behind it all. That paper is was published and so is reasonably coherent. There are are two Word documents atlc-theory1.doc and atlc-theory2.doc which are quite advanced. DON'T ASSUME atlc2.doc IS A LATER VERSION OF atlc1.doc - IT
as a file in Sun's Staroffice format called ideas-for-gui.sxw
which disucsses adding a GUI to atlc.The former two documents are more advanced more closely resemble the later versions of
atlc. However, they were written by me for me and so they are not that easy to follow for someone else.
- If you wish to print any web page, please click on the lower half of the page before pressing the print button - otherwise its possible you must just print the menu at the top.
atlc is written and supported by Dr. David Kirkby (G8WRB) It it issued under the GNU General Public License
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